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Rendering the Isometric Bicycle Frame - page 4
Reselect the Seat Tube and the Fountain Fill Tool (F11) and click OK. Pick up the closest rear top fork tube and press repeat (Ctrl+R). Change the settings to: Angle -58 degrees, Edge Pad 48 and click OK. Select the back (partially hidden) tube and repeat (Ctrl+R). Change the settings to: Angle -57 degrees, Edge Pad 47.
The lower rear forks cannot be rendered with fountain fills due to their shape. Work with the near side fork first. Duplicate it, reduce its size and then manually move the nodes back out so that it looks like a contour that goes about a third of the way in. Duplicate this object and set aside. Go back to the originals and fill the inside with purple and the outside with black. Apply a blend of 20 with no outlines. Now do the same thing with the duplicated tube except make the inside shape very thin and fill with magenta. With snap to objects turned on - put the inside shape back in place.
Repeat the whole process for the rear tube.


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