TDT - Productivity solutions for technical illustrators.


Creating Isometric Symbol Fonts - page 4

Step 10

Think! Plan the entire font before you begin work. I have done the planning for you in the following lesson series but planning the creation cannot be over emphasized.

Step 11
The first symbol (#033) you will create is an isometric ellipse.
Create a circle that snaps to the guidelines (8.00 x 8.00). This object has 1 node – unacceptable.
Convert to curves (Ctrl+Q). This object has 4 nodes – better but still unacceptable.
Select with the Node Edit tool (F10) and marquee select all of the nodes and hit the plus sign. You new have eight nodes that will end up on the: major, minor and isometric axis’s.
Apply a 56.6 percent vertical scale. Center on the page and this one is good to go.
Step 12
Copy the object to the #034 page. Apply a rotation of 120 degrees. Resize to fit and center on the page.


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