TDT - Productivity solutions for technical illustrators.


Creating Isometric Symbol Fonts - page 5
Step 13
Copy the object to the #035 page. Apply a rotation of another 120 degrees. Resize to fit and center on the page.
Do not put the file in the Windows Fonts folder. Since Windows won’t install a font over it ‘self you will be deleting that file a number of times. Remember where you put it. You will need it again to install the font.
Click Export.

Step 14
Not much of a symbol set yet but let’s see where all of this is going. Go back to the Symbol #033 page and select the ellipse. Choose File – Export – TTF True Type Font – Check Selected Only.
Choose the folder where you want the font and name it iso_essentials.ttf.

Step 15
On the next window give the family the name of “Isometric Essentials”
Check the Symbol font box.
The Grid size and Space width should read about 720.
Choose OK.


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