TDT - Productivity solutions for technical illustrators.


Isometric Symbol Font - Building the Character Set - page 7

Step 19
The last two variants are the z and hat - angles and extrusions. Go to page 34, Symbol #66 and drag the off the page “L” extrusion onto the page. Duplicate the object and apply a 180-degree rotation.

Snap together, weld and pull the vertical legs in so it fits inside the guidelines. Delete any extra nodes. Make sure all of the straight segments are straight lines.

Step 20
Go to page 35, Symbol #67 and drag the off the page “L” angle onto the page. Duplicate the object and apply a 180-degree rotation.

Snap together, weld and pull the vertical legs in so it fits inside the guidelines. Delete any extra nodes. Make sure all of the straight segments are straight lines.

Step 21
Go to page 34, Symbol #66 and copy the “Z”, Go to page 36, Symbol #68 and paste. Rotate 90 degrees, duplicate and apply a horizontal mirror and position as shown.

Weld together, and delete any extra nodes and straighten all segments.

Drag the lower outside nodes to the Guidelines.


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