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Isometric Symbol Font - Building the Character Set - page 8

Step 22
Go to page 35, Symbol #67 and copy the “Z”, Go to page 37, Symbol #69 and paste. Rotate 90 degrees, duplicate and apply a horizontal mirror and position as shown.

Weld together, delete any extra nodes and straighten all straight segments.

Drag the lower outside nodes to the Guidelines.

Step 23
Refer to the previous tutorial for instructions on exporting the added symbols. Once you have added all of these symbols to the library you must:

Close CorelDRAW.

From the Control Panel, Fonts delete the old version of the iso_essentials.ttf font. Install the new version. Open CorelDRAW and drag symbol 69 onto the screen.

Bingo a quick and easy hat rail. Using a vertical mirror produces the other view.
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Step 24
If you had to illustrate a hat rail from scratch it could take some time. You would use the symbol by adjusting the scale until the material thickness was correct, then adjusting the various leg lengths with the Node Edit Tool. Drag the top nodes down as shown.

Apply an 86.6 percent horizontal stretch and a –30.0 degree vertical skew. Rotate –120 degrees and smooth all curved nodes. Use the Extrusion tool to apply an extrusion to the angle with the following settings: Back parallel, x = 0.00 y=-1, VP locked to object and vanishing point relative to object center. 

Next month we will complete this font by adding additional common objects to this symbol set.


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