Symbol Fonts - Assembling the parts -
page 1 - 5th in the series Step 01 This tutorial will cover the assembly of all of the components you have created during the past five months. Open the Iso Hardware VL drawing that you worked on last month. Locate, duplicate and resize the machine screw threads to a 4.375-inch width using the property bar with the lock on. Duplicate the reduced thread sets and move off to the side. |
Step 02 Note: Only one set is shown for clarity. You must go through the dupe, position and center routine for all 16 thread sets. |
Step 03 Once everything is positioned marquee select sets of components and combine (Ctrl+L) them and then break apart (Ctrl+K) the result. Repeat the process until everything is broken apart. Use the Shaping Docker to Trim the unneeded segments as shown. Be sure to delete any overlapping unneeded segments. Re-combine (Ctrl+L) each thread and head set individually. Note: Only one set is shown for clarity. You must go through the entire process for all 16-thread sets. |
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