TDT - Productivity solutions for tech illustrators.


Drawing Isometric Hoses - page 4
Engineering Drawing of an flexible hose
To draw the hose end follow these steps:
1. Create a perfect circle using the Ellipse tool and the constrain key (Ctrl) it7:1.
2. Apply an isometric ellipse effect it7:E by using the Transform Roll-Up to apply a 57.4 percent vertical scale to the circle.
3. Convert the result to a curve (Ctrl+Q) and apply a white fill.
4. Duplicate the ellipse and move up as shown using the constrain key (Ctrl).
5. Use the Node Edit Tool (F10) to break the outside nodes on the lower ellipse and then break-apart (Ctrl+K) the ellipse and delete the top half.
6. Turn on snap to objects and select the lower ellipse. Switch to the straight line pencil tool and draw a line up from the left node on the lower ellipse segment to the corresponding node on the top ellipse. Repeat for the right side and then complete the segment across the top.
7. Duplicate the top ellipse, reduce it, and align (Ctrl+A) horizontally and vertically centered on the larger ellipse.
8. Group the three objects and use the Transform Roll-Up to apply a -120 degree rotation to the object.
Get the hose guideline you copied when making the first hose. Manually move, size, and position the hose end over both ends of your hose guideline. Save a copy of the hose end for later use.


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