TDT - Productivity solutions for technical illustrators.


An Isometric Trade Show Booth - page 2

Note: CorelDRAW may have a problem extruding large shapes. Make a sizing guide and reduce the objects to a very small (less than 6”) size. Apply the extrusion and then re-adjust the scale.

If you own Tech Drawing Tools apply a top extrusion of 32” to the ellipse. If you must proceed manually, use the extrude tool with the back parallel setting and experiment until you get the object to the correct dimension and straight down. The result should resemble the illustration.

Separate the extrusion and apply a fountain fill to match the illustration. The top fill will be Navy Blue. Group (Ctrl+G) the result.

The tabletop will measure 5’ X 2’. Create a rectangle of that dimension and round the corners by 25 using the property bar. To transform the object into a top/front view:
Select the ellipse and use the Transform Docker to apply an "86.6% Vertical Scale, a -30.0 degree Horizontal Skew, followed by a -30.0 degree Rotate." The top will be blue smoked glass.

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