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Using the Intersection Command - page 8
If I applied an extrusion now an extra line will appear. Use the Node Edit Tool (F10) and Node Edit Roll-Up to smooth that [highlighted in black] node. Use the Extrude Tool (Ctrl+E) to apply an extrusion with the following settings: back parallel, VP locked to object, object center, Horizontal 0, Vertical -1. 0. If the result is too deep or shallow adjust the vertical dimension until it looks right.
To render: Separate the Extrude Group and un-group it. All fills will be Fountain Fill (F11). Select the top with the Pick Tool and apply the following settings: Conical, Angle 60, Custom, Position 0 = C15, M5, K30; Position 50 = white; Position 100 = C10, M5, K35. Select the flat side and apply: Linear, Angle 60, From = C10, M5, K25; To = C10, M5, K55. Select the curved side and apply: Linear, Custom, Position 0 = C10, M5, K40; Position 65 = C5, M3; Position 100 = C10, M5, K30.


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Next month you will explore how to use paper engineering data to draw directly on the computer. A free symbol library will be included.


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