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Using Paper Engineering Drawings to Create an Isometric Drawing - page 2
Start CorelTRACE and auto trace, using the trace centerline option, the three *.tif files you downloaded. The files have been named according to the physical orientation. Note: this screen shot is from CorelTRACE 5.0.
Use the following settings under trace options, lines tab:
Curve precision - Very Good,
Line precision - Very Good,
Target curve length - Medium,
Sample rate - Fine,
Minimum object size - 5 pixels,
Outline filtering - None,
Max line width - 16 pixels,
Create lines of uniform width - 1 pixel,
Horizontal and vertical line recognition - Checked.
Then click trace all. When done close CorelTRACE.
Note: some versions of CorelTRACE do not support batch file tracing. If you are using one of those versions you will need to perform the traces individually.
Start CorelDRAW to a new drawing. Create the following layers with the stated settings:
Front, Visible - on, Printable - off, Editable - on, Master - off, Color - red, Override full color view - on.
Side, Visible - on, Printable - off, Editable - on, Master - off, Color - blue, Override full color view - on.
Top, Visible - on, Printable - off, Editable - on, Master - off, Color - green, Override full color view - on.

Import the auto trace files to their respective layers.

Select each face and apply the following:
Front (red) - Horizontal scale 86.6%, Vertical skew -30 degrees.
Side (blue) - Horizontal scale 86.6%, Vertical skew 30 degrees.
Top (green) - Vertical scale 86.6%, Horizontal skew -30 degrees, Rotate -30 degrees.


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