TDT - Productivity solutions for tech illustrators.


Drawing Isometric Hoses - page 9
It is possible to create the illusion of a correctly drawn hose without spending a inordinate amount of time plotting off angle ellipses. Place copies of the original ellipses at the locations shown in blue (fill with white only). Use the Transform Roll-Up to apply 120 degree it7:A rotations until everything matches. Duplicate one of the "top face" ellipses and manually adjust the height as shown by the yellow ellipse. Move it to the yellow position and rotate it a bit using the corner handles.
Begin by applying blends at the two positions shown. The top left blend requires about 30 steps. The bottom right blend requires about 15 steps. Be sure to assign a path and to rotate the objects. You may need to map the nodes as well as adjusting the front to back order.
In all the following examples feel free to change the number of steps in the blends to suit yourself.
Separate both of the previous blends to avoid creating a compound blend. Apply a blend along the bottom rear as shown with about 15 steps. I know this looks wrong, but it will be hidden in the completed version.


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