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Completing the Aircraft Illustration - page 4
step09.jpg (6448 bytes) Point 3 is also 25 inches higher than Point 2. Use the Waterline grid (Blue) to create a line 25 inches long. Snap the bottom to the Point 3 end (1) and use the Node Edit Tool to move the Point 3 end to Waterline 160.0 (2). You just plotted a wing spar with dihedral. Who thought this was going to be hard?
step10.jpg (5840 bytes) Group both line segments and the 17.5 crossing line and move them back (right) to 0.00. Use the duplicated segments to repeat the process for the right wing (Note; The 17.5 line is at 142.0 + 17.5 = 159.5). You can do a quick check to see if everything is correct by drawing a constrained line along the axis from one wing tip to the other. If they meet you can proceed.
step11.jpg (5414 bytes) Creating the ribs will be fairly easy. Since the info for accurately creating them is unavailable we will only use a couple of variations of one shape. Also since the scale we are using precludes any real detail showing cutouts etc. this should be fairly easy. If you were working in a scale that allowed more detail the same procedures would apply. Create a plotting cross by drawing a line about 0.25 inches long and then use the Node Edit Tool (F10) to add a node with the plus sign. Next duplicate the line in place and rotate it 90 degrees and group them (Ctrl+G).


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