TDT - Productivity solutions for technical illustrators.


Constructing the Front & Rear Derailleur - page 8

Create an equilateral triangle 0.838 inches wide. Note: The dimension will change when you release the triangle. Leave it alone.

Create rectangles to trim as shown.

Trim and delete the rectangles.

Convert to curve and round the top edge with the Node Edit Tool (F10).

  1. Create an isometric side effect by applying 86.6% horizontal scale and then a 30.00 degree Vertical Skew.
  2. Apply a 120.00-degree rotation.
  3. Give the object some depth by applying a 0.06 deep extrusion with settings that produce the result shown.
  4. Separate, fill as shown and group the assembly.
  5. Apply a -120.00 degree rotation and group everything together.
  1. Create a 0.1875-inch circle.
  2. Convert it to an isometric ellipse by applying a 57.4 percent vertical scale and then convert it to a curve (Ctrl+Q).
  3. Apply 0.375 deep extrusion with settings that produce the result shown.
  4. Separate, fill as shown and group the assembly.
  5. Apply a -120-degree rotation to produce the result shown.


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