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Drawing the Ultimate Cell Phone - page 9
To create the antenna get the "An Isometric Evaluation Library" in your Symbol Roll-up and choose number 37 at 0.65 inches. Fill with white. Since this will be abuild up we must work from bottom to top. Zoom in and draw vertical lines of the following dimensions: 0.6", 0.22", 0.06". Align the lines horizontally but space them apart vertically. Turn on Snap to Objects and drag the cylinder symbol until the top center snaps to the 0.6" line. Use the node edit tool to marquee select and drag the bottom nodes down to the bottom of the line. Repeat the process for the 0.22 and 0.06 lines. Duplicate the 0.06" cylinder and reduce it 80 percent using the Transform Roll-up. Use the Node edit tool to correct the length to 0.06".
Delete the lines and set your preferences to 0.01. With snap to objects turned on build up the antenna as follows, correcting any front to back order as necessary: From bottom to top;
0.6" cylinder, snap 0.22 cylinder,
80 percent cylinder snap and nudge up 0.03",
0.06" cylinder snap and nudge down 0.02",
Duplicate the last two cylinders and snap then nudge up 0.03" and bring to front twice,
Duplicate the 0.22" cylinder and move up to snap it to the bottom of the top cylinder. Delete the shorter cylinder and bring the 0.22" to the front.
Duplicate a 0.06" cylinder and snap it to the bottom of the top cylinder and bring to front.

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 Position the antenna as shown. There are three nodes along the bottom curve of the cylinder, delete the left two. With the Node edit tool marquee select the remaining right node and the node to the right and drag down about 0.375".
Next month will focus on rendering the phone. I invite you to plunge ahead without me. Just a few precautionary tips. Back in the old airbrush days we would render things hotter than in nature (increased contrast) because during the screening process it would go flat (decreased contrast). With electronic art the opposite is true. You should limit going to either solid black or pure white. I feel the PC and Corel does a poor job displaying cyan. Seems to be too green on most machines so be careful adding magenta to "blue it up" or you are going to end up with purple.


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