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Installing the Wings & Building the Engine Nacelles - page 5
step12.jpg (19603 bytes) Position the remaining ribs on their respective tick marks. Again, it is easier to snap the ribs into position if you temporarily break apart a rib, snap it in place using the center snap, and recombine
step13.jpg (15356 bytes) Create the top stringer by turning on Snap to Objects and click draw a line across the top nodes. Extend the line slightly past each end. Convert this line to a curve and smooth it. Adjust the elements to smooth out the flow across the engine. Finally apply a contour outside with an offset of 0.03 inch.
step14.jpg (16903 bytes) Add stringers at the sides (green) and bottom (yellow) using the same process. The bottom stringer only goes back to the double rib set at Stations 191.0/192.5.


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