TDT - Productivity solutions for tech illustrators.


Installing the Wings & Building the Engine Nacelles - page 6
step15.jpg (17884 bytes) Add stringers at the major and minor axis’s (red) again using the same process. The lower stringers only go back to the double rib set at Stations 191.0/192.5.
step16.jpg (18137 bytes) Separate and ungroup all of the stringers. Delete all of the center lines and edit the stringers so that the ends are clean. Fill all of the ribs and stringers with white.
step17.jpg (9609 bytes) The hub is centered on Station 103 and it has a diameter of 18 inches (0.35 at our scale) and it is 12 inches long. Create a 0.35 circle using the tool and property bar. Convert it to a curve (Ctrl+Q) and use the Node Edit tool to add nodes at the major axis’s. The prop has a diameter of 11 feet 7 inches. Create a 2.79 circle using the ellipse tool and property bar. Center the two circles on each other.


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